Crop Circles

I finally watched a DVD that my good friend Tim had loaned to me, before I embarked on a frustratingly crazy move of house from Devon to London.

It was disk 1 of a box set of Dvd’s made by a Norwegian film maker. I found it all very interesting as the film goes into many aspects of the phenomena, including scientific measurements from metal deposits to magnetic energy readings inside the circles. The outcome and revelation of the film was incredible and really got me thinking! There was even footage of a ‘light ball’ actually making a crop circle!

So what are they for? The film concludes that these elaborate designs are messages from ET and they discovered that they are using complex but simple geometry in a way to communicate with us. My favourite part of the documentary was when the showed a crop circle that appeared right next to the ‘Chibolton Radio Telescope’.

This was quite different to any that had ever appeared before. It seemed to be a series of dots, much like a printed newspaper, depicting an Alien face. Three days later another image appeared next to it.

This picture was remarkably similar to a picture the astronomer Carl Sagan sent out into outer space in 1974 but with some changes. (see You Tube clip…staggering!!)

It seems they were answering our message by filling in their own details. One year later another one appeared, this time with a more ominous message. (again…look at the clip for more details)

Now I know why Reg Presley committed his life to this, we are not alone! they are talking to us, but are we listening?

Oh well back to my normal life. (whatever THAT is)


6 thoughts on “Crop Circles

  1. Yes, I’m glad I found this. I was going to post something like this but now you beat me to it :). Would you mind if I link to it from my livejournal? My readers might like to see it too. Have a good day, Victoria

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